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Našou úlohou je chrániť ženy a mužov pri práci. V rámci tohto úsilia navrhujeme a vyrábame kompletné riešenia osobnej a kolektívnej ochrany pre profesionálov na celom svete.

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Spoločnosť Delta Plus už viac ako 45 rokov navrhuje, štandardizuje, vyrába a celosvetovo distribuuje kompletný súbor riešení v oblasti osobných a kolektívnych ochranných prostriedkov (OOP) na ochranu profesionálov pri práci.

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Delta Plus News Did you know? There are three categories of personal protective equipment (PPE). What makes them different? How do you choose? We take a look.

Did you know? There are three categories of personal protective equipment (PPE). What makes them different? How do you choose? We take a look.

There are three categories of personal protective equipment, depending on the level of occupational risk they cover. Which category of PPE best suits your needs? We explain why it's important to choose the right PPE.

Did you know? There are three categories of personal protective equipment (PPE). What makes them different? How do you choose? We take a look.

There are three categories of personal protective equipment, depending on the level of occupational risk they cover. Which category of PPE best suits your needs? We explain why it's important to choose the right PPE.


Odbornosť, Produkty

Did you know? There are three categories of personal protective equipment (PPE). What makes them different? How do you choose? We take a look.

Update 06.11.24

3 categories of PPE depending on the occupational risks covered

The purpose of PPE is to protect workers against risks that could threaten their health or safety. Employers are required by law to provide PPE appropriate to their employees' activities. The legislation also governs the classification of this equipment according to the level of protection it provides.
There are three categories of PPE.

EPI Category 1 for minor risks

Category 1 equipment is designed to protect against low-level risks. It includes protection against minimal hazards with limited consequences. PPE in this category protects against light impacts, moderate cold, superficial cuts or splashes from non-toxic products.
Examples include light gloves, goggles to protect against dust or UV rays, and earplugs to protect against moderate noise. This PPE must comply with a CE self-certificationprocedure .

PPE Category 2 for intermediate risks

Category 2 personal protective equipment is intended for situations where the risks are more significant, but not directly life-threatening. It covers a wide range of hazards, such as :
- moderate mechanical risks (cuts, heavy impacts)
- more pronounced thermal risks
- chemical splashes.
Examples include hard hats, safety shoes and high-visibility protective clothing. These PPEs require CE certification from an authorised third-party organisation, proving that they comply with safety standards.

Category 3 PPE for severe to fatal risks

The list of category 3 PPE includes equipment intended for very high-risk situations, which may result in serious, irreversible injury or even death.
Category 3 PPE includes, for example, protection against :
- toxic atmospheres (certain breathing masks),
- falls from great heights (fall arrest harnesses),
- extreme temperatures (fireproof clothing),
- high electrical risks ( dielectricharnesses or helmets).
Before being placed on the market, in addition to CE certification and production control, this equipment must be accompanied by specific training in its use, given the seriousness of the situations in which it is used.

Choosing the right category of PPE, a safety imperative

Acquiring protective equipment that is ill-suited to the nature of the risks involved can have serious consequences, both for workers' health and for the employer's liability.

PPE of an inferior category will provide insufficient protection , while giving the illusion of protection from danger. An example: using category 1 protective gloves to handle corrosive substances directly exposes the skin to chemical burns and can even aggravate these burns if the glove ‘melts’ on the skin.

Inadequate category equipment also increases the likelihood of work-related accidents. Falls from height, poisoning and serious injuries can occur if the equipment is not finely adapted to the task. For example, a dust mask will not protect against toxic fumes.

On the other hand, in certain cases, PPE of a higher category than that required can also be detrimental to the safety of workers and the quality of the work. For example, a glove with a coating may be very waterproof and resistant, but it requires an extra layer of material that can reduce dexterity and result in less precise movements.

In addition to physical protection, a working environment that is perceived as dangerous, with unsafe equipment, can also generate anxiety among employees: these poor working conditions then have a potentially cascading effect on their motivation, efficiency, productivity and concentration.

Wearing mandatory PPE and employer liability


It is the employer's responsibility to provide PPE appropriate to the risks identified. Failure to provide adequate protection may result in legal penalties and the payment of substantial compensation in the event of an accident at work. Employers may also be held civilly and criminally liable.

It is essential to be properly supported in the choice of equipment in terms of categories, standards, maintenance and renewal.




PPE and EPC (link PPE EPC Definition) are an essential link in the occupational safety chain. To help you choose the right category of PPE for your activity, don't hesitate to contact our Delta Plus advisers and experts.


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